TMJ dysfunction & bruxism (tooth grinding) therapy

What is TMJD?

It stands for temporomandibular joint dysfunction.  The temporomandibular joint (also known as the jaw joint) is located on both sides of your head just in front of the ear.

What are the signs and symptoms of TMJD?

– Tenderness and pain over the joint on one or both sides

– Noises of clicking or grinding from the joint

– Muscular pain around the joint area

– Limited movement

– Radiating pain to local area of the joint

What is Bruxism?

Bruxism is when you clench (tightly hold your top and bottom teeth together) or grind your teeth (slide your teeth back and forth over each other).

What are the signs and symptoms of Bruxism?

– Headache

– Tension

– Ear ache

– Sore jaw joint

– Grinding sounds at night (usually detected by partners)

– Sensitive teeth

– Worn down teeth


Treatments provided for TMJD and Bruxism

1. Painkillers can be helpful in reducing the discomfort.  You will be advised which one/s are best for you, as precautions will be taken to ensure that whatever is prescribed does not interfere with any medical conditions you suffer from or interact with any medications you are currently taking.

2.Physiotherapy exercises have proven to be effective. You will be shown how to perform these exercises.

3. A guard/splint can be provided to protect your teeth at night from any grinding habits and help relax associated muscles.